It shows a constant flow of love and support by thousands of motorcyclists cruising through Meredith, New Hampshire. They are headed to the crash site in Randolph, New Hampshire in on honor of the brothers and sisters who died there.
The organizers are hoping for as many as 500 vehicles and drivers will be able to participate in the convoy to salute the boy and hopefully bring a smile to his face.
In Maine and New Hampshire, you love your hogs! Fall is THE season for long motorcycle rides; exploring and enjoying the fall foliage. There is so much to see, and not a lot of time to do it, before the snow falls, and the bikes are put in storage...
Ever wonder what a tour through Portland on a motorcycle might be like? Well now you can get a first hand look from the seat of my motorcycle as I take our new GoPro Hero 3 camera and head out for a ride. This was a lot of fun!