Canobie Lake Park Is Changing Things Up for Screeemfest 2022
During the month of October (and the end of September) Canobie Lake Park in Salem, New Hampshire, changes its hours and gets ready to scare you. Screeemfest is a fun and spooky event that you can attend during the Fall at Canobie Lake Park.
Get ready for haunted houses, ghoul-filled dance parties, and of course, some of your favorite attractions.
For the 2022 season, even though you can enjoy all those activities, Screeemfest has changed a couple of things.
The first thing to note is that there are two new haunted houses located at this year's Screeemfest: The Breech and Pinecrest Sanitarium. Therefore you will be able to enjoy two houses that you have never got to experience before.
If you do not like waiting in lines, then you may be in luck.
This year, Canobie Lake Park is offering "Screeem Express Haunt Line Cut Pass," which will allow you to cut the line of ONLY the haunted houses. This will set you back a bit though, depending on the day that you go, it can cost between $30-$40.
Canobie Lake Park's Screeemfest offers 5 haunted houses but only two lines. What do I mean by that? Well, instead of waiting in a line for one specific house, you will wait in one line for multiple houses.
This year you will only find two lines, one line by the Boston Tea Party that will get you into Pinecrest Sanitarium and Carnivus; the second line is located behind Untamed and will allow you into The Breech, The Culling, and Facility 235.
Wristbands for those with special needs or disabilities are offered during Screemfast as a part of the Park's Ease of Mind Program. Canobie Lake Park stated that they can be used at the Screeem Express line at the haunted houses, but during the event, companion riders are strictly limited.
All in all, the haunted houses and Screeemfest this year are incredible as always.
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