Santa from Santa’s Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire Responded to My Apology
It's been exactly one week since I penned my long overdue apology to the Santa from Santa's Village in Jefferson, New Hampshire, for the unmistakable, reprehensible mistake of confusing him with the Wolfman from Clark's Trading Post about a month ago.
As you may know by now, somehow, in the excitement of a family wedding, I mistook Santa for the Wolfman and ordered the most jolly human being on the face of the planet to, "Scram, you old goat!" -- obviously the statement launched at The Wolfman when he begins his stalking ways.
Honestly, I thought this was all fully behind me. I fessed up to my mistake and owned it, apologized profusely, and went about my merry (no pun intended) way. Never did I expect to actually receive a response from the Santa from Santa's Village! But I did. As I saw the notification pop up on my phone, I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the worst. It read:
Dear Jadd, As I was checking my list that fateful day, your name appeared. I thought to myself, “Better check that twice.” A quick review of my camera footage revealed why your name was suddenly unsecured on my nice list. I was disappointed to hear you telling me to scram from my own village; poor Rudolph thought you were calling him a goat, an old one at that. After assuring Rudolph he looks nothing like an old goat, I took refuge in my summer home. While listening to the recording of this...incident...I heard your friends informing you that you had made a mistake. It then dawned upon me that you had mistaken my beautiful, festive village for the home of the Wolfman; Clarks Trading Post. I have been contemplating how to handle this slip of the tongue ever since. You see, I really did not want to have to leave you with a lump coal for Christmas. I am so pleased to see your apology. It truly warms my heart. As long as you promise to only yell, “Scram you old goat,” while visiting Clarks Trading Post, your apology is accepted. Your name will remain on my nice list and, most importantly, no coal for Christmas. Sincerely, Santa from Santa’s Village P.S. extra cookies this Christmas Eve wouldn’t hurt.
Impossible to not smile at receiving that message. The Christmas Spirit is alive and well. And don't forget -- he's ALWAYS watching. This just supports that fact.