Possessing Certain Drug Paraphernalia Now Decriminalized in Maine
According to WABI TV 5, a new Maine law that seeks to reduce the penalties of possessing certain types of drug paraphernalia has now gone into effect.
Effective yesterday (10-18-2021), the new law will eliminate criminal penalties against people in Maine that are found with syringes and/or fentanyl testing strips and what the law describes as 'other safer-use supplies for ingesting substances'.
During a portion of public testimony, State Representative Genevieve McDonald of Stonington said,
“We know that having laws in place that discourage the acquisition and use of clean needles increases the spread of infections and diseases like HIV and hepatitis and do not help people break free from an addiction”
Prior to the law going into effect, penalties of possessing such items carried punishments of up to 364 days in jail and fines up to $2,000.
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