One Week After Surgery, Maine’s Lee Goldberg Gives an Update on His Cancer
Recently, News Center Maine's Lee Goldberg heard the three words no one wants to hear...you have cancer.
Lee's world was thrown when a routine physical revealed that his PSA level was high. High enough for doctors to be concerned. This test was done when he had some blood drawn. It's a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland that sits below the bladder in men. When your PSA is high, it can mean a possible diagnosis of cancer.
For Lee, that's what it turned out to be...prostate cancer.
But today...well, today was a pretty good day for Lee. He did what he's done throughout this whole journey - shared the news with his family, friends, and fans.
YAY!!! Lee is a good man, with a giant family and this good news comes as a relief to everyone who loves that big lug. Even if you love him from afar because he's on your TV.
He does warn that if you have a man in your life that you love, have him get a PSA test. It's just a blood test and it could end up saving his life.
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