If this doesn't prove just how famous that Auburn Walmart pole is, nothing will.

When you live in Warren Maine and you hear of all the amazing things that happen in Auburn, you could get jealous. If you are turning 9 years old and your birthday is near Christmas, you want something a little special. Kynlee asked for something that she really wanted. She wanted a picture with the famous Auburn Walmart pole. So mom and Kynlee made a day of it and trekked 90 minutes from Warren.

Lexi Doak
Lexi Doak

Now, this is a family that knows how to have a little fun. When I asked mom, why Kynlee wanted her picture taken with the 'famous Auburn Walmart Pole' - she said that the pole is often a topic of conversation and laughs. As it is for all of us. So when she couldn't come up with something special she wanted for her birthday, she thought of this ever-changing pole. It's a great photo. The barriers and lights really made it a special birthday. You know, it hasn't always been this decorated. Why I remember back in the day when this was simply a yellow pole.

Miranda Goodspeed
Miranda Goodspeed

Then they decided to add a stop sign to it. THAT outta stop 'em! Nope.

Libby Blanchette - Survivors of Walmart Yellow Pole
Libby Blanchette - Survivors of Walmart Yellow Pole

Now they have lights and barriers. How's that going for the famous pole? It didn't take long for a pole with barriers and lights to get hit. Well, the barriers got hit. Yes, both.

We have an obligation right now to do the right thing. Keep hitting this pole so that other children will also have the opportunity to get a picture for their special birthday gift. I know that as a state...no as a country, we can come together and HIT THAT POLE!

15 Hilarious Responses Mainers Have About the Walmart Pole in Auburn

Mainers share some funny responses about the yellow pole at Walmart that keeps getting hit. 

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