What was the name of that great restaurant in Portsmouth we used to love going to?  How many times have you seen Springsteen and where? Who knows, because it's all a blur.

Where'd you put your keys, your favorite hoodie, or the dog leash?  Why stress about it?  Because it feels like you're losing control.

You're not alone. You are just part of the hundreds of thousands of baby boomers and Gen X population who feel like age is catching up with you, but there are so many other factors.

Follow along for some age-defying ideas prescribed by health groups like the MayoClinic.org, which talks about major factors in delaying memory loss and brain fog now, before you get older.

AaronAmat/Getty images
AaronAmat/Getty images

One of the biggies is getting enough sleep.  7-9 hours of sleep seems impossible when raising a family of young children, but it's so important to maintain, especially as we age.  Restless sleep, sleep disorders, and not getting enough sleep have all been linked to memory loss.

Another hot tip to keep memory loss at bay is being active.  10 minutes of walking or moving around, even three times a day, can help provide blood flow imperative to keep the brain at optimal levels.  No matter what your age, keep moving.

You know those puzzles, Sudoku, cross-word puzzles, playing a musical instrument, reading, and staying mentally active helps not only with memory loss, but staying focused and sharp in your job.

Randy Fath via unsplash.com
Randy Fath via unsplash.com

Like it or not, it's important to have social interaction, no matter what phase of life you are in.  Whether you like being around people or not, it's still important to interact with others to deflect stress, anxiety, and depression.

It's been well researched that people who live the longest have a strong bond with friends, family, and people they care about. Healthline.com reports people with a strong social circle increase their lifespan by 50%...that's 50%, because they feel less stressed and less anxious.

Tyler Nix via Unsplash.com
Tyler Nix via Unsplash.com

One last idea to help with memory loss is eating healthily.  We've heard this our entire lives.  Eat organic.  Eat less, eat more nuts and berries, avoid transfats, avoid GMO's, avoid processed sugars, add veggies and fruits.  This is not rocket science.  We've know this for years.  Avoid being overweight, and drink alcohol in moderation.

The brain needs good nutrition, good activity, physical activity, and to be challenged, especially as we age.  A 40-year-old is 20 years older than a 20-year-old, so don't think memory loss magically happens at 60.  It's a slow process you have to be aware of your entire life, so start now.

You make the magic happen by how you take care of your brain power.

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