New Dunkin’ Planned for Route 302 in Westbrook
It looks like there's another Dunkin' in the works for Westbrook according to a public notice in a local newspaper.
On May 9, The American Journal printed a Notice of Intent To File a traffic movement permit with the Maine DOT by ESW Realty in Falmouth. The notice says that it is for a Dunkin' to be built at the corner of Route 302 and Methodist Road in Westbrook. The new Dunkin' would be built on almost 2 acres of land near the intersection and the store would be 2164 square feet.
The new Dunkin' will likely be the revamped look, with signage that drops the "donuts" from the name after 69 years, as the company's focus has changed. The Dunkin' on Main Street in Westbrook was recently replaced with the new look.
When will the new Dunkin' open? It's hard to tell as it looks like there are still permits to file and construction to do, but keep your eye on the corner of Methodist Road and Route 302.
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