Judgement Free Groceries in Saco Expanding to Help Other Towns
A private home in Saco put out 8 bags of groceries for anyone to take home. It was so popular, she has expanded her giving.
Jade Syverson saw a need in her neighborhood for food. So many families have been affected with the 'stay in place' order to protect us all from the coronavirus.
She set out 8 bags of food and posted on Facebook about it.
Here's what she said:
Maine friends:
No judgement grocery pickup for those in need. Located at the end of my driveway at 179 Pleasant St in Saco. Please only one bag per person to spread the supplies out. New reusable bags.
The groceries were quickly picked up. That led Jade to expand her kindness.
She again posted...
All the bags have been claimed, but we will be putting out a pantry table in the carport behind our house so people can pick up essentials rain or shine. It will be available 24/7 as long as we can support it, so anyone who would like to contribute is more than welcome to drop things off at it. I will post when it is up and running. For those who are far away and would like to contribute, I recommend either personally or as a neighborhood putting up a similar setup. People are hurting everywhere and a little kindness goes a long way!
People have responded to Jade's offer. She has been surprised by how many people need help. So many people, that she has started a GoFundMe page to keep her supply going.
Jade is asking others to do the same offering in their neighborhood, if possible. She has noticed that since the world was told to stop, and we are obeying that order to stay healthy - income for some has also stopped. Thank you Jade for being a bright light for some of those hurting the most.
If you would like to help, Jade would appreciate it. She will keep doing this, for as long as she can. If contributions are no longer needed, all food and money will go to local food banks.
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