Back in May 2024, a YouTube content creator walked into the Bureau of Motor Vehicles on Presumspcot Street in Portland, Maine, with a camera and started to take video of everything he could see, in bold defiance of a BMV policy that does not allow video.

The person taking the video is behind the YouTube channel Press NH Now, self-described as a channel "where we hold everyone in our government accountable under our First Amendment rights to the free press. I want to thank everyone who watches this channel and shows their support for what I do to keep our government in line and also respect our rights as free citizens of this country."

That was the mission when the person from this channel walked into the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in Portland and quickly found what he was looking for.

This sign:

Press NH Now via Youtube
Press NH Now via Youtube

His take is that this sign is not enforceable because it is a policy, not a law.

He is correct that filming in public places including buildings like the BMV is legal in Maine, however, his approach to making his point is to ridicule, insult, and disturb others who are there to do their job and people who are there for a driving test, license renewal and other services at the BMV.

He's well within his rights, but he's still a jerk.


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Gallery Credit: Lori Voornas

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