Hopkinton State Fair
Growing up in New Hampshire, I have many great memories of the Hopkinton State Fair. In the last few years, I've enjoyed it for an entirely different reason - seeing it for the first time all over again, through the eyes of my young daughters. They both LOVE animals, rides, and fair food...so naturally, they love the Hopkinton State Fair.
This year, it's the fair's 100th anniversary! Just some of the many attractions include:
Livestock Exhibits
Home & Garden Exhibits
Granite State Draft Horse & Pony Association Wagon Rides
Maple Sugarhouse
The Morrill Family Farm Museum
Charmingfare Farm's Barnyard Petting Farm
4-H Dog Show
Horse Show
4-H Working Steer
4-H Dairy Goat Show
Indoor Ring
4-H Swine Show
Cattle Pulling
Open Dairy - Adult F&S
4-H Sheep Lead Line
4-H Llama/Alpaca (Obstacle Course)
4-H Dairy Goat Costume
Garden Tractor Pull
Four Ox Working Hitch
Oxen Show
It doesn't get more "New Hampshire" than the Hopkinton State Fair!
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