Here Are Some Ways New Englanders Like to Keep Cool During the Summer
Yep, it's that time of year again.
Now that we're in the midst of summer, people are looking for ways to stay cool. But...our summers really aren't the worst when you think about it.
According to World Population Review, the #1-5 hottest states in the US are Florida, Hawaii, Louisiana, Texas, and Georgia, respectively. Meanwhile, New Hampshire and Maine are both among the top 10 lowest, alongside states like Alaska and Minnesota.
Even though we rank fairly low temperature-wise and those in other states are undoubtedly dealing with even worse temperatures, it's understandable that we find ourselves struggling when the summer months come around. After all, it's normally colder here, so we're less used to cooking in the sun.
And with this struggle comes the complaining about a dilemma we find ironic. Many of us voice our dislike for the cold temperatures all winter long and lament that we don't live in a warmer tropical climate, but then months later, we reminisce about the days of snuggling under blankets or wearing sweaters without overheating. Hey, we aren't blaming anybody for being upset. We're guilty as charged. But thankfully, there are plenty of ways to stay cool when those temperatures do rise.
So, what are some of the methods that New Englanders have for keeping cool? Well, we went ahead and asked you, and got several different answers. So, let's look at nine ways people up here like to keep cool during the summer. Which ones do you prefer?
Here Are Some Ways New Englanders Like to Keep Cool During the Summer
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