Check Out This WMUR Newscast From 30 Years Ago, Featuring A Youthful Tom Griffith
It's time to take a trip down memory lane, with a look at a full WMUR Channel 9 newscast from over thirty years ago. The video, posted to YouTube by user mitismondi, includes the entire newscast from May 17th, 1988. It also includes the commercials in between segments, which are just as interesting to watch as the news.
The newscast leads with a story about a press briefing that day by then president Ronald Reagan. It also includes a live report about residents in a Manchester community demanding a traffic light at an intersection, and a story about bus safety. The newscast also includes weather and sports reports. TV stations sure have come a long way with their weather graphics!
So much has changed about the news in that time, but it's interesting to note the things that have remained the same. First and foremost, anchor Tom Griffith. You have to admire his longevity as a New Hampshire broadcaster. Tom began his run at WMUR in 1988, the year of this newscast. Over thirty years later, he's become one of the most recognizable public figures in the Granite State.
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