An Open Letter to The Homeless Man Who Donated to This Maine Food Drive
We live our lives through moments. Life is made up of millions of moments that make you feel every emotion. Most of the time we disregard or subconsciously forget most of the encounters we have, due to the quickness of the circumstance or simply because we run such busy lives that we simply move on to the next moment.
Then there are moments that hit you hard. The connections you make that you know will have an everlasting effect on your psyche. I currently am posted up at Sams Club in August for Camp Out Hunger, we are collecting non-perishable food and cash. There are many gratuitous Mainers coming to donate the food from their pantries and cash from their cup-holders and we're meeting so many people every day. I try to take a mental screenshot of all of these people but there was one donation I'll never forget.
The exchange I had with this certain gentleman was quick, no more than just a couple of minutes and I would like to thank him for the powerful gift and reminder he unknowingly bestowed upon me.
Dear Sir,
You approached me with a white bag in your hand containing a few cans and other products. You smiled timidly while reaching into your pockets to also donate some cash. It wasn't much, but it didn't have to be. I said thank you, and you responded by telling me you've been homeless for three years, and although you've been struggling, you were able to donate some extra items you had. As you were telling me this I could feel the struggle in your eyes, the bravery, the adversity, but mostly the relief you felt that even though you didn't have much, you had enough for someone else.
I asked you what your name was and you kindly refused. A child will eat because you gave up one of your meals. A family will be able to cook a meal because you gave up yours. You gave and god-willing I pray that the universe will reward your kindness with a second chance for you. An opportunity to have a good job, a roof, and money in your pocket to help you feel secure.
We often take our everyday securities for granted. The light switch we quickly flick to bring light into our home is dark in so many houses.
Thank you for showing me that generosity in those who have very little is alive and well. Thank you for being an invisible hero.
I may not know your name or your full story but you gave me a gift that I will carry with me forever.
Those who have very little, are often are the ones who give the most.
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