AMC Movie Theatres In New England Push Reopening To End Of July
We'll have to wait a little longer to see a movie at an AMC theater -- only two weeks longer, though. Most AMC Theatres in New England and throughout the United States were supposed to open by the middle of July, according to a previous report. Now, AMC is postponing the reopening by two weeks until the end of July, according to Variety via AOL. As you may have guessed, it's because COVID-19 cases are reportedly increasing in the U.S., rather than decreasing. Variety says AMC will open 450 of its 600-plus theaters on July 30th, 2020.
As previously reported, there are going to be new safety measures in effect. For example, the number of people in the theaters will be severely limited, and getting refreshments will only be possible with the AMC app. Also, masks would be required. Masks may keep many people from going, because they don't want to wear them for various reasons. Variety reports that AMC officials had said the theaters "would not force patrons to wear masks in states where it wasn't legally required," because they did not want to get involved with the "political controversy." However, the officials changed their minds after what Variety is calling "fierce blowback."