Ahead Of Prom, 5 Dover Area Stores Fail Alcohol Compliance Checks
With Dover's prom this Saturday, local police and the New Hampshire Liquor Commission recently conducted checks on close to thirty area stores which sell alcohol. Not everyone passed.
According to an article on Fosters.com, twenty two of the twenty seven compliance checks passed. They were conducted at establishments with off premise liquor licences, meaning places you can buy alcohol, and consume off site. The article states the Coalition thanked those who did not sell to minors, sending a strong local message.
This year's Dover prom falls on Alcohol Awareness Month, and an equally strong message is being sent to parents ahead of the weekend. In a recent Dover survey, teens listed "taking it from their home, or the home of a friend" as the number one source of where they found alcohol the first few times they drank, according to the Coalition. They also urged parents to take a firm stand on repercussions of teens who are found consuming alcohol.