A Response to the Maine Redditor Whose Heart We Broke Last Week
Dear u/leonbebop,
First off, the fact you have "bebop" in your user name on Reddit reminds us of the warthog character Bebop from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So, by default, we already love you. We want to make sure you know that before we respond to your message to us on the Maine Reddit page.
First off, u/leonbebop, you have a way with words, and we appreciate that. We're so glad you came here to Maine -- because of you, Vacationland has become an even better state than before you crossed the border into it. And, like the sign says as you cross the Piscataqua River Bridge -- welcome home.
Also, we felt your words deep in our soul. In fact, we felt the love you began to develop, because we did too. Our first encounter together was magical, and the fact we took it slow and casual at first, as you mentioned, truly began the construction of the solid foundation that our relationship would rest on. We're just deeply grateful that you felt the same way we did at the start, and we felt just as wooed by you.
But you're right, u/leonbebop. Something did happen, and something did change. Us. We changed. Because throughout life and relationships, things change, needs change, desires change, and growth happens. And it truly had nothing to do with you, u/leonbebop. Please know and understand that. You're still special to us and forever will be. We have cherished you since day one and will continue to.
But something happened to us last Friday morning. The scent of turkey, stuffing, family and holidays entered into our soul, and we immediately became fully immersed in the holidays. To us, holidays mean love, both receiving and especially spreading. That version of us that you slowly fell in love with, we admit was pretty amazing on its own, with our healthy mix of 80s, 90s, and today, all delivered to you by Jadd, Michelle Heart, Alicia, and John Tesh.
But during the holidays, u/leonbebop -- that's when we thrive the most. That's when we're at our absolute best. We know we morphed into the best version of us a handful of days before Thanksgiving, but between the numerous requests we had since the end of Halloween to embrace our best self, and wanting to show you our true, full-bodied self, we took the leap and put our entire soul out there for you to absorb.
We know it was shocking. We know it was unexpected. But this is us. And this is us being at our most vulnerable for you. Thanksgiving is tomorrow at the time we're writing this back to you, a time (ideally) where you surround yourself with family and friends. The ones you love most.
We still love you and always will, and we're still here for you. But we also understand that sometimes, in order to know for sure that a love as true as we believe ours is, is in fact true, you need to let it go. And if it comes back to you, then it's for keeps and it's for sure (thank you, Christina Aguilera).
So, if we need to let you go for a bit, perhaps you'll come back to us again in a few days. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe not until, oh, we'll say around 3a on Sunday, December 26. But regardless, u/leonbebop, we love, care for, and appreciate you. And we'll always be your family.
Thank you for thinking of us. Thank you for reaching out to us. And, most importantly, thank you for making the smartest decision of your life and becoming a Mainer -- you won't regret it.