In the last decade, Portland, Maine has gone from a really good place to grab a pint of craft beer to an absolute global destination for craft beer lovers across the world. The beer boom has seen some really unique breweries open incredible tasting rooms across Portland, most notably in the city's East Bayside neighborhood. One of the most recent additions has been Brewery Extrava, a comfortable and welcoming taproom that opened to the public last July in a prime location. And it could be yours, for the right price.

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via BizBuySell

According to Portland Food Map, Brewery Extrava is up for sale after the partners involved in the ownership of the brewery are diverging their interests. That opens up the possibility for someone who's always wanted to own a brewery without putting in the groundwork to get it up and running, to snag one. Here are the details about what's included in the sale price via the list on BizBuySell.

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via BizBuySell

The neighborhood, nicknamed "Yeast Bayside" is home to several of Portland's most popular breweries. Some of those include Lone Pine, GoodFire, Rising Tide and Austin Street. There's room for more too, and if the beer tourism market returns after the coronavirus pandemic, there's likely to be some additions to Yeast Bayside in the not-too-distant future.

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