Young Seal Stranded in Wells, Maine Saved by Marine Mammals of Maine
A young seal was stuck on a snow bank close to a road in Wells, Maine. The Marine Mammals of Maine and Wells Police Department came to the rescue and saw him safely returned to the sea.
Seals follow the ice and this young harp seal found himself in a difficult position. Seal pup season is approaching and more stranded seals are expected this spring. The Wells Police Department documented the event and videos can be found on their Facebook page. The Marine Mammals of Maine states on it's Facebook page, "Wells Police Department was very helpful in assisting MMoME keep people a safe distance away until trained volunteers arrived... This animal was in great shape but attracting lots of attention in a busy spot. The MMoME response team had planned to relocate it to a safer, quieter place-but this harp had a different plan in mind and flushed back into the water. We always enjoy seeing fat happy seals with a good attitude! Remember to report all marine mammals to the hotline at 1-800-532-9551."