Why The Term Jimmies (Sprinkles) Is NOT Racist
If you believe the word "jimmies" is racist, read this…
It only took me a few minutes to research the history of "jimmies," so I'm baffled as to why people make assumptions based on a lack of knowledge and then spread malicious lies about how using the word jimmies is offensive because it is a reference to Jim Crow. Stop the insanity and read up on these things, so you can educate yourself.
So, why are jimmies called jimmies? According to Boston.com, the company who created these candies, Just Born, says they were named after James Bartholomew, the employee who ran the company’s first sprinkle-making machine. His nickname was Jimmy.
Now, you know. Please stop perpetuating a lie that only serves to stir up tension in an already overly-sensitive environment.