I have legitimately watched this video at least five times before writing this blog and I can't handle how funny this woman is. 

She is sincerely one of the funniest people I've ever listened to. Her accent and her demeanor in and of themselves are just wonderful, but it's her pearls of wisdom that slay me!

"Calm down with the tricks! Not everbody's a make-up artist!"

The best part is she actually knows how to apply make-up too! I'm thinking about buying a pallet from her only so I can ask for a private lesson, because truthfully I can't imagine anything more fun.


This is hysterical! "Watch me!"

Posted by Anna Gravél on Wednesday, September 30, 2015


After doing a bit more research, I discovered this is just an alter ego for a woman who sells the make-up for this specific product line, but I decided I don't care. She's still funny and I would probably still buy her stuff ;-)

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