Want to Go See Elton John Perform on His Final Tour?
Here's a riddle for you... Lion King... Philadelphia... Crocodiles and YOU!
What do they all have in common? Well, one hint we can give you is that it's a literal once-in-a-lifetime experience.
Are you stumped?
We'll help you out: We want to send you to the city of brotherly love, to Elton John's Farewell Yellow Brick Road tour, all courtesy of Interscope!
So pack all of your novelty glasses and hop into your rocket because here is everything that's included!
- Roundtrip airfare for two (2)
- Two (2) night's hotel stay
- Two (2) Tickets to the show at the Wells Fargo Center
- $500 Cash
Want to get in on this once in a lifetime getaway? Enter the contest here.
Oh, and if you download our app and turn on Contest Alerts in the app, you can get even more chances to win. That's right, we'll be sending out an exclusive code word every weekday from Monday, August 12, to Friday, August 30, at 1:30 p.m.
You must have Contest Alerts turned on to receive these notifications.
When you get the code word notification, enter it here for another entry into the contest. It's that easy!
The more code words you enter throughout the contest, the better chance you will have to win.
*This is a multi-market promotion. Winner must be 21 years old. Promotion ends September 2, 2019.