US News & World Report Ranks Portland in the Top 10 Best Cities in the Country
Let's be real -- this isn't really any kind of shock to us. If anything, you could call it the worst kept secret, at least to us, because we've known since day one that not only is Northern New England in general a great place to live; not only is specifically Maine an incredible place to live, but we've been pinpointing Portland for YEARS as a dream city to settle in.
U.S. News & World Report
Every year, U.S. News & World Report ranks The 25 Best Places to Live in the U.S.. It's literally anticipated every year it comes out, for no other reason than prideful citizens want to see if their city makes the list, and where it ranks. Last year, Portland was ranked toward the bottom of the list, checking in at No. 19.
But what a difference a year can make. In fact, the fact that we launched as high as we did in one of the most chaotic years in recent history really says something extra about just how phenomenal Portland is. Because in the new list that just came out, Portland jumped 11 spots and is now ranked No. 8!
Portland Facts
According to the report, a major reason for the jump is a combination of desirability, average wage, quality of life, and more. For example -- from (again) the "Stuff We've Known For a While" file, Portland continues to grow in both population and opportunities, with a metro population of over 530,000 people. In other words, one of the best cities in the world is also one of the most desired cities to live in.
On top of that, the average wage in the city, according to the report, is over $50,000. Combine that with, as absolutely insane as the real estate market is now, a median home price of just over $310,000 -- who WOULDN'T set their sights on Portland as a final destination (for settling, not the chaos of the Final Destination movies, just for the record.)
By the way, if that sub-$300,000 median home price seems high, go ahead and compare it to other major cities in the country, especially the New England area. The report also highlights the above-average education in Portland, citing the readiness of students to advance to and succeed in college, low crime rate, average commute time (which is on the low side, which creates for better mental health status), proximity to health care (and quality health care at that), and more.
The only possible downside of being ranked so high on this year's list? Instead of reeking of awesomeness somewhat under the radar, there's now a national spotlight being shone on us, which means people from away may flock to Portland, which means those median home prices could be driven up since we could become an even more desired city.
But, we'll cross that bridge when/if we come to it. For now, let's just bask in the glory of the fact that eyes are opening to just exactly how amazing we are. Which, again, is absolutely not news to us.