It was way back in early 2021 that we first heard about the Dirigo Treasures Maine treasure hunt.  The game had been designed by a couple named Kelly and Kurt Stokes as a way to celebrate the State of Maine's bicentennial, which occurred in 2020.

In order to play the game, players needed to get out of their houses and visit different parts of the state.  In many cases, the game would take them to places they never would have visited otherwise.

Well, we can now report that, after a nearly three year long treasure hunt that involved over 3,500 players, someone has finally found the treasure!

We got an email from Kurt Stokes, one of the creators of the game, explaining that a couple from Pemaquid had managed to find the treasure.

The game's website explains a few more details about Alex Beaudet and Brittany Ciccketti, the people who found the treasure.

It says, in part:

A remarkable younger team, we noticed immediately when speaking with them that they were both very strong players, and it was obvious that their combined skill sets made them an excellently balanced & competitive team. Their level of effort & time investment in this game (For which we as game designers are both grateful and humbled) was significant, and they were not to be denied! In fact, it is important to note that Alex & Brittany were impressively one of the first 5 teams chronologically to make it to the very last Level of the game – Very early Finalists! That (In itself), is an amazing and noteworthy achievement – And an indication that as with many of our wonderful early players, they would find themselves in the thick of this treasure hunt for a very long time.


While it was not revealed where the treasure was found. the website goes on to say that, in the coming weeks, they will reveal more details about where it had been hidden.

There is no word on what they plan to spend their winnings on.

7 Great Places To Take A Selfie In Maine

Looking for a great place to take a selfie with your bestie, your family, or your special someone? We want to help! We've put together a list of great places in Maine to take a selfie!

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