With masks mandates gone and capacity restrictions being relaxed, there just so happen to be more tickets being released this June at four Maine venues.
Listen to the wicked funny summer kick-off song "Mr. Man". It's the story of a Maine truck driver frustrated that he's stuck on the road (probably Route One) behind friggin' tourists! Crisesakes! He needs to get home in time for suppah with muthah!
Yessuh, it's the myth of the Pocomoonshine lake serpent and how the monstah came to be, from a fight between a Penobscot chief and a Mic Mac Chief around 5000 years ago.
The pride of Deering High School (Class of '85 or sumpin') strikes again with a random act of comic kindness. He just made his 2019 Amazon comedy special, Bob Marley Live available for FREE. Yessssss Dooood!
During this dreadful time of Covid, it's wonderful news to hear that one of the wackiest athletic competitions in Maine will still be happening this year.