Visit This Whimsical Cookie Cottage in the Woods of New HampshireVisit This Whimsical Cookie Cottage in the Woods of New HampshireWhen you visit Mama Bear's Cookies, you're not only indulging your sweet tooth, but also supporting a good cause.MeganMegan
This Unusual New England Airbnb Could Be Out of a StorybookThis Unusual New England Airbnb Could Be Out of a StorybookOwl Hill House was designed by sculptors in the '80s before being recently renovated.MeganMegan
PICS: This Storybook Home in Boothbay Is One Crazy Unique Home For SalePICS: This Storybook Home in Boothbay Is One Crazy Unique Home For SaleIt's part castle and part storybook cottage and you could be the first to own it.Lori VoornasLori Voornas