It's back! It's free! The annual HOM Dunkin Donuts One City Center Super Stage! Join us Sunday, June 14th in Downtown Portland for live music from local, regional and national acts!
Bret Michaels of Poison is coming to the Maine State Pier in Portland on Thursday, June 25th. Tickets go on sale Friday, May 1st at Noon, but if you're a member of the At-Work Network, you can buy your tickets right now!
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Billy Idol is coming to the Maine State Pier in Portland on Thursday, June 4th. Tickets go on sale April 17th at Noon, but if you're a member of the HOM At-Work Network, you can buy your tickets right now!
Counting Crows is coming to the Maine State Pier in Portland on Thursday, August 20th. Tickets go on sale April 17th at 11AM, but if you're a member of the At-Work Network, you can buy your tickets right now!
The amazing concert getaways continue! 94 9 HOM has a trip for two to see the original American Idol Kelly Clarkson at the historic Radio City Music Hall in NYC!
Singer David Gray is coming to the Maine State Pier in Portland on Saturday, June 13th. Tickets go on sale April 10th at 10AM, but if you're a member of the HOM At-Work Network, you can buy your tickets right now!
Keep Your Head Up singer Andy Grammer returns to Portland, Maine and 94.9 HOM has your tickets! Andy will be performing at the State Theatre on Wednesday, March 18, 2015.
Did the Valentine's Day forecast put a damper on your plans? Or maybe you just want to keep the love flowing? How about a little ballroom dancing at the Portland Museum of Art during their Third Thursday Party?
The Victoria Mansion Doll Tea is an over the top tea party for children and their adults. It's a time to dress up and enjoy refreshments with family and friends . Enchanted gardens is the theme this year. Tea princesses will be crowned. The Portland Ballet will lead the girls in easy dance moves.
It's been one crazy winter with more snow than we know what to do with. Here are the latest snow totals for Monday, February 9, 2015 across Maine and New Hampshire. Greenland, NH, you win with 14.5 inches over a 10 hour period!