Seabrook, New Hampshire, Fisherwoman and Her All-Female Crew Make ‘Wicked Tuna’ HistorySeabrook, New Hampshire, Fisherwoman and Her All-Female Crew Make ‘Wicked Tuna’ HistoryHave you been watching?KiraKira
This Seabrook, New Hampshire, Fisherwoman Deserves Her Own Reality ShowThis Seabrook, New Hampshire, Fisherwoman Deserves Her Own Reality ShowI would watch it!KiraKira
Watch Unbelievable Go Pro Footage of Seabrook, NH, Woman Reeling in a Monster of a TunaWatch Unbelievable Go Pro Footage of Seabrook, NH, Woman Reeling in a Monster of a TunaI had to pick my jaw up off the floor after watching this!KiraKira
After an Epic Fish Fight Seabrook, New Hampshire, Woman Reels in a 643 Pound BluefinAfter an Epic Fish Fight Seabrook, New Hampshire, Woman Reels in a 643 Pound BluefinUnREEL. Do you see what I did there? KiraKira