The show featuring Maine's Julia Gagnon from "American Idol" aims to benefit a local family who tragically lost everything in a recent fire. Tickets, including VIP and general admission, are on sale now.
In an update to a story we brought you yesterday, we're learning some intense new details about everything that transpired at a New Gloucester, Maine home over the weekend
We quickly found out that this place has six, yes six pools and hot tubs. Four swimming pools, one of which is almost 10 feet deep (and massive), and two very large hot tubs
Driving a diesel, the price paid at the pump is even more than people just getting regular unleaded, so this Mainer had a little fun at his own expense. Watch the video here.
In-between our majestic shores and breathtaking peaks are dozens of inland communities that have their own unique offerings for Maine natives and tourists alike.
If I had a dollar for every time I had report on another scam being committed by the losers of society, I wouldn't have to be writing this article right now. But, alas, here we are.
According to the Kennebec Journal, the Wrapped up Coffee Shop and Wrapped Up (the sandwich shop) are going to be joining forces and operating out of one location.