Maine’s Largest Native Snake is Over 5 Feet Long and Can Slither More Than 10 MPHMaine’s Largest Native Snake is Over 5 Feet Long and Can Slither More Than 10 MPHHow big are they? Five feet. Yes, these snakes can grow to more than 60 inches long. That's pretty wild.Matt JamesMatt James
Hidden Creature Scares Maine Deer in This Trail CamHidden Creature Scares Maine Deer in This Trail CamThis tiny little creature really caught this deer off-guard.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Man Throws Snapping Turtles at Portland, ME's Evergreen CemeteryMan Throws Snapping Turtles at Portland, ME's Evergreen CemeteryA video of the incident was posted to Reddit, and it is quite disturbing.Jeff ParsonsJeff Parsons
Maine IF&W Issues ‘Do Not Eat’ Order for Some Central Maine DeerMaine IF&W Issues ‘Do Not Eat’ Order for Some Central Maine DeerMaine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has issued a DO NOT EAT order for deer that have been harvested in the Fairfield, Maine area.Matt JamesMatt James