‘Stranger Things’ Star Returns To His Hometown of Exeter, New Hampshire
People go crazy for the show Stranger Things on Netflix! I have friends that stayed up all night and binge-watched Season 3 in one sitting. They can't get enough. Did you know one of the stars from Stranger Things is from New Hampshire? According to IMDB Matty Cardarople, who plays the role of Keith on the series, was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire. He then moved to LA where he was discovered by Luke and Owen Wilson who helped him get his acting career started.
Matty is coming home to the Granite State this weekend and wants to meet some fans! According to SeacoastOnline, the actor and comedian will be hosting a meet-and-greet at Krypton Comics & Pop Culture from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 14.
The proceeds from this event will be going to a few causes that are near and dear to the actor's heart. They will be donated to TEAM’s arts and music programs and anti-bullying efforts of Lady Gaga’s Born This Way Foundation. Lady Gaga's message resonates with Cardarople. He said he has realized that even as an adult there are still bullies out there. Life is too short to surround yourself with people that bring you down rather than lift you up.