States With the Best and Worst Commutes
How dramatically (and permanently) the pandemic shapes workers’ commutes remains to be seen, but initial research shows a decreased use of public transit, a higher reliance on bicycles, scooters, and e-bikes, and decreased travel overall as more people work from home. Overall that could spell good news for the 50% of commuters who characterize their trip to work as stressful, according to a 2019 survey from staffing firm Robert Half.
Multiple studies have found that commuters traveling more than 90 minutes one way have a significantly higher rate of psychosomatic disorders than those with shorter commutes. The problem has only gotten worse, with the number of commuters with 90-minute, one-way trips to work doubling in one decade from 1990 to 2000. In addition to the mental stress, commuting contributes to climate change, traffic jams, and overall vehicle congestion.