Spring is Here: Hummingbirds Migrating Back to New England
Nothing says "warmer days are coming" like the twittering of birds.
Does anyone else have a moment each year in late winter-early spring when you hear a bird chirping and realize you haven't heard that sound in months? It truly is uplifting for the soul.
For one particular kind of bird, you might not recognize them by their songs, but rather their tiny size, affinity for nectar, and unbelievably fast wings.
Yep, you guessed it: hummingbirds.
The National Wildlife Federation says that hummingbirds are the world's tiniest birds, weighing about the same as a penny. Their wings can beat at an astounding 15-80 times per second, and they can travel up to 23 miles per day, according to Hummingbird Central.
The site goes on to explain that in preparation for the winter months, these precious little cuties typically migrate down to Central America and Mexico. When the weather begins to warm up again, they return to their breeding grounds.
Thanks to Hummingbird Central, we can view an interactive map that shows where hummingbirds are being spotted across the country, based on reports submitted by viewers.
Here's what the map looks like as of April 5, 2023.
Not only are the map's markers color-coded to indicate different types of hummingbirds, but clicking on each marker shows you the individual report sent in for that bird.
It seems that all of the hummingbird sightings are still in the south or west at the moment. That said, these birds are slowly making their way back to New England, and we're sure to see an uptick in sightings soon.
Want to give these hummingbirds a hospitable welcome after their long travels? You could always set up a feeder with some delicious nectar for them to enjoy. Hummingbird Central provides more information on how to do so here.
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