Characters From a Popular FOX Show Were Spotted in Saco, Maine
Young School in Saco, Maine
According to CBS 13 WGME reporter Mal Meyer, fans of the old Fox TV cartoon King of the Hill will live their best lives while driving along Tasker Street in Saco near the Young School, because there's a tribute to four of the main characters along a fence in the area.
The brown picket fence features the characters Hank Hill, Dale Gribble, Jeff Boomhauer, and Bill Dauterive -- all with beers in hand -- who are most known for standing in front of their own brown picket fence on the cartoon while conversating and drinking beers. Which is highlighted perfectly in the show's 30-second opening title.
Maine Painted Crosswalks
But that's not the only art seen in Saco over the last couple of weeks. Because crosswalk art has picked up in many different Maine towns, with Portland recently painting part of their crosswalks orange (along with various other colors), and Brunswick painting a rainbow crosswalk on Maine Street toward the end of May in preparation for June's Pride Month and the city's first-ever Pride Parade.
Saco has also gotten in on the crosswalk art craze, but what exactly is painted on the crosswalk leading to Rapid Ray's on Main Street is a bit up for interpretation.
Because according to this picture from a Saco resident on Facebook, who dubbed this particular painted crosswalk the "ice cream crosswalk," each block of the crosswalk has been transformed into a popsicle/ice cream bar on a stick. And while it does look that way, each block can also be interpreted as a buoy with different colors and designs.
Do you think it's an ice cream crosswalk or a buoy crosswalk? And what art would you like to see pop up around Maine that's not on display yet?