Prep for Delicious Fair Food This Fall as Most NH Fairs Will Happen
Funnel cakes, turkey legs, donut burgers, fried Oreos (and anything else, really) -- we missed out on ALL of the fair food last year, but Granite Staters (and Mainers who love traveling to as many fairs as possible in the fall) rejoice! MOST fairs in New Hampshire WILL be happening this year!
Stratham Fair Canceled
Let's just get the bad news out of the way first -- for the second year in a row, unfortunately, one of New Hampshire's most favorite fairs, the Stratham Fair, will NOT be happening. It's a huge bummer, especially since anyone living on the Seacoast in New Hampshire or even Coastal Southern Maine love the quick jaunt over to Stratham for fair action, but it's not entirely organizers' faults.
According to WMUR, organizers of the Stratham Fair needed to have a decision made back in January about the fair that normally kicks off the entirety of the fair season in July, and back then you'll remember the world was still one big question mark. Vaccines were only being provided to first responders and nurses basically, with the expectation that the general public wouldn't be vaccinated for MONTHS. Plus cases were majorly on the rise coming off the holidays, so it makes sense. Unfortunate, but sensible.
Which New Hampshire fairs are happening?
With the bad news out of the way, the good news is, so far, it looks like mostly all of the other fairs WILL be happening, barring we flip an absolute 180 and cases start spiking like crazy (please, let's not make that happen. FUNNEL CAKES TO THE FACE NEED TO HAPPEN FOR US ALL!)
But in all seriousness, since most of the other fairs happen a couple of months after July, organizers have had later deadlines to decide whether or not their respective fairs will be happening. So far, it's confirmed that the Cheshire Fair will be happening, although they'll be doing away with their midway, according to WMUR.
The Hopkinton State Fair will also be happening, and it seems like it'll be happening pretty much like any other normal fair year, with small stages being spread out throughout the grounds for various performances.
It's possible that social distancing regulations will be removed for the outdoor portions of the fairs, although that's not known at this point and is more of a hope/wish than a definite right now. But plan on social distancing still being a thing for the indoor elements of the fairs.
Either way, not to wish spring or summer away, it's definitely a massive win that we're going to have most of our fairs back for fair season this fall, and continue those baby steps forward to as much normalcy as possible. Are you excited?!