Open Letter To The Facebook Trolls Trashing Maine House Hunters
As you have probably seen, there are Facebook user groups for basically any interest under the sun. From video games, to movies, to sports, to family-friendly outdoor activities, to photography, and more!
I learned this morning that there is at least one group dedicated to buying and selling homes in Maine.
My wife stumbled across one very interesting post in this group while she was having her morning coffee and decided to bring it to my attention.
The post was an inquiry from a young woman looking for a house for her family. She listed out, with specificity, what they wanted. She did not want a condo, she wanted a certain amount of bedrooms (so there'd be office space), etc. The part that set off the trolls and Karens was that she wanted it to be within two hours of Boston.
By the time we saw it, the post had BLOWN UP with anti-Massachusetts comments. Some people were absolutely SAVAGE about their feelings toward our neighbors to the south and their thoughts on those people migrating to Maine.
After thumbing through the comments for a few minutes, the researcher in me kicked in. I clicked on the profile of the house hunter. While most of her profile was locked-down, it did show that she lived in Central Maine. it appeared that she was not from the Boston-area. She is a Mainer!
While I have no confirmation on this, my guess is that they are Mainers who want to remain in the 207, but want (or need) to be much closer to Boston. Maybe it's for work? College? Or, maybe they just want to be able to see a Red Sox game on the regular.
However, the trolls were so quick to tap out a grammatically-incorrect, spelling error-filled, comment on her post, that they never took the time to look deeper into the situation.
Obviously, we still live in a free country where you are entitled to your opinion about people moving to our beautiful state. But, can we all be a little nicer? Maybe we can ask a few questions before we pass judgement. You could learn something about your neighbors, or the people who want to be your neighbor.
Or, we could just follow this piece of advice that everyone's mom gave to them: "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!".
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