If you don't think one person can make a difference, ask this little girl from Portland, who had the guts to go before the City Council and urge them to ban plastic straws.

Phoebe MacDonald, who is in the third grade at Ocean Avenue Elementary School, pleaded her case in front of the City Council's Sustainability and Transportation Committee on Wednesday, according to our news partner, WMTW.

City Manager Jon Jennings was obviously impressed, because he immediately prohibited straws from being used at the Clock Tower Cafe which is inside City Hall. He also proposed that other businesses to do the same as per WMTW. There is a reported committee meeting in September, where the public will be invited to come and talk about their thoughts about plastic straws.

What do you think about straws? Should they be banned for good? Give us your opinion in the comment section below or on our Facebook page.

(Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStock Photo)
(Photo Credit: Getty Images/iStock Photo)

"Skip the straw! Millions of plastic straws pollute our ocean where endangered animals like sea turtles can choke on them. The average American eats out four times a week and almost everyone gets a straw. If we get 25,000 people to skip the straw at restaurants every time, we can keep five million plastic straws out of our ocean and landfills in just one year."

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