Should you have to pay the schools portion of your tax bill, if you don't have children enrolled in school? One New Hampshire man thinks so, and he's actually suing his town over it.

According to the Union Leader, Joseph S. Haas Jr. of Gilmanton has filed a complaint with Belknap County Superior Court, asserting that there is "no child nor children attending the local government’s schools” living in his home, therefore he should not be responsible for over $12,000 in taxes.

It looks like this isn't the first time that Haas has tried to avoid the school portion of his tax bill. Previous claims with the town have been denied. He has also had several run-ins with state politicians, have been arrested for threatening former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte.

Do you think he has a point about not having to pay school tax because he doesn't have kids? Let us know your opinion on this, with a comment on the Facebook post!


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