The NEWS CENTER Maine Staff Deserves All the Love and Respect for This Video
This is the coolest thing. Legitimately the coolest thing.
Because this didn't have to be done at all. And in all honesty, this was probably a quick couple minutes out of a busy staff's day and wasn't a big deal for them to execute.
But what it meant for the recipient had to be the opposite of "no big deal" -- it probably meant the world.
But first, let me tell you real quick about Haley House.
Haley is a Mainer that lives in Auburn and just celebrated her birthday yesterday. Why am I talking about a random Maine woman you probably haven't heard of in an article about NEWS CENTER Maine deserving props?
Because you should know who Haley is, first. Because there's no one more positive to Maine media personalities -- actually, Maine human beings overall -- and local Maine businesses than Haley. Need an example?
Under the "work" section on Haley's Facebook page, she has entries like "loving and supporting the legends team at Legends Sports Bar & Grill" in Lewiston and "loving and supporting ellieanna queens at EllieAnna Gift Shop" in Lewiston.
Also, to Haley, everyone is a legend. Members of NEWS CENTER Maine, WGME, WMTW, various radio station personalities -- hell, she's even called yours truly a legend (which may be a sign that she needs her "legendometer" checked, but I digress.)
How do you NOT appreciate someone like that and cheer for them in everyday life? Because that's exactly what Haley does for all of us, whether she knows us personally or not.
Enter the NEWS CENTER Maine video that's referenced in the headline. Because yesterday, on Haley's birthday, NEWS CENTER Maine reporter and weekend anchor, Chloe Teboe, posted a video of a huge group of the staff singing happy birthday to Haley, with a really sweet caption, too.
More humans like Haley, Chloe, and the rest of the NEWS CENTER Maine crew, please. Because the effort this probably took that crew was very minimal, but the appreciation and meaning behind it were no doubt off the charts.