New Laws in 2019 for Maine & NH That You Need to Know About
As we ring in 2019, there are several new laws that went into effect as of January 1st. These new laws will affect many different people across both states, so it's probably a good idea to take a look at this list, and see if any of them are pertinent to you.
Minimum Wage
Good news for low income workers! The first of the year marks an increase in the minimum wage, up to $11 an hour, according to the Journal Tribune. Tipped workers will earn a minimum of 5.50 an hour.
School Employee Background Checks
Parents of children in school will be happy to hear about this one. A new law now requires background checks for all school employees, the Journal Tribune states.
Spousal Support Payments
2019 brings a change in how people file spousal support on their taxes. The newspaper reports that the payments will no longer be tax deductible for the person making them, and the person receiving them will no longer be required to pay taxes on them.
New Hampshire
Marriage Age
What's taken them so long to fix this one, anyway? 13 years old is obviously way too young to get married, so the state just raised the age to 16, according to Concord Monitor. Still too young in my opinion, but at least it's progress, right?
New Driving Rules
Drivers, take notice of these new rules of the road. Police will start cracking down on those annoying drivers who linger in the left lane on the highway, with fines, the news paper reports. Also, a stronger crackdown on rust during vehicle inspections.
Conversion Therapy
Any therapist who attempts to this controversial practice could face discipline by their licensing authority, the Concord Monitor states.
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