My Half-Apology to the Woman at the South Portland CVS
Not a full apology - only half.
So let me tell you why I found myself going the wrong way in a CVS parking lot. I am not familiar with the Mill Creek CVS in South Portland.
I needed to pop in for a quick greeting card. Now, unfamiliar with this CVS I went in the first driveway. WRONG! Boy was I wrong. I was basically going into a one-way situation and I was not going the right way. However, in my defense, there were no signs to warn me!
So if you turn into the CVS in Mill Creek on the first turn, you won't see you are wrong until you are facing people coming out of a drive-thru right at you. That DO NOT ENTER sign isn't visible until you've already turned. So to avoid creating a cluster I turned right into the parking lot...going the wrong way! There she was. A woman driving an SUV coming right at me. Well, at this point, I am wrong! I am going against the traffic. But I don't have a choice so I push through until I can park. I motion 'I'm sorry!' to the woman and scoot my car way over. She has room to come through. It's a tight fit, but she can make it.
Oh, she made it through the narrow opening, and with veins popping out of her head, she let out a torrent of swear words and finger-pointing at me. She completely lost her sh*t on me!
So, here's my half apology. I apologize for going the wrong way, but honest to God, had I only known...I would not have gone that way. So stick your veins back in your head lady and take a deep breath you'll be okay. I won't soon forget to use that second entrance!