Life takes some strange and beautiful turns sometimes, and this story proves it.

It takes a special nurse to be part of the labor and delivery team in any hospital, but one special registered nurse in Maine has been delivering babies and calming nervous mothers for many years.

It turns out an RN named Lorna Wales is one of those special nurses.  Lorna worked at the Maine Medical Center in Portland, Maine.  She's been a part of bringing new life into this world for years, and now it's time to move into a new phase of her life – retirement.

While Lorna has been working with veteran and new nurses in the labor and delivery department for a long time, one RN in particular was curious about her own birth.

RN Ceile Day has worked at Maine Medical Center for seven years, right alongside Lorna, learning and reaping the knowledge of a longtime pro in this field.  Ceile decided that since she was born at MMC nearly 30 years ago, she was going to find her own birth record.

Maine Medical Center via Facebook
Maine Medical Center via Facebook

Imagine Ceile's surprise when she learned her co-worker, Lorna Wales, was the nurse who helped deliver her.  What a twist of fate.

On Ceile's social media, she posted these words of gratitude to Lorna:

“It was an honor to have your arms be the first ones that I ever knew and even more so to welcome new babies together for the past 7 years (all while reminding you that I’m by far the best of your babies!).”

The post on MMC's Facebook page spurred hundreds of comments, some of whom identified Lorna as their nurse as well.

Congrats on your retirement, Lorna, and thank you for all the lives you've brought into this world.

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