It is still kind of hard to imagine that one of the biggest stories of 2023 (so far, at least) has revolved around a chain of discount stores.  It's true, though.  We have spent a lot of time talking about the Christmas Tree Shops.

The Christmas Tree Shops chain got its start in Yarmouth Port on Cape Cod, Massachusetts in 1970.  The original business had three separate buildings.  That is why the name of the business is "shops" and not "shop".  Honestly, I have wondered why that was the case for years!

The stores sell everything from food products, to clothing, to toys.  They are one of the great New England bargain chains.

While most of the Christmas Tree Shops locations are in New England, there are a few that are located elsewhere in the country.

In early May 2023, it was announced the chain was having financial issues and that they would go into Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.  A few weeks later, it was announced that all of the locations would be closing unless a buyer could be found by early July.  Sadly, that never happened.


When Are Christmas Tree Shops Stores Closing?

According to TV station WVEC, all of the Christmas Tree Shops stores in Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and elsewhere will close for good on August 12th, 2023.


Christmas Tree Shops Scams

The article also explains that there are several Christmas Tree Shops scams floating around online.  Apparently, some people are running websites that are claiming to sell products from the chain online.  According to the article, Christmas Tree Shops does not sell products online.


Of course we are really sad to see these heritage New England businesses close.  We wish all of the store's employees the best and hope they all find new jobs soon.

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