New Maine Book: The Inspiring Tale of Maine’s Oldest Lobster Trapper
Maine's own age-defying icon has inspired a book. I don't think any of us are surprised by this. 103-year-old Virgina Oliver, "Ginny" has been dubbed as "The Lobster Lady." She is the oldest living lobster trapper and loves every second of it, according to WGME 13.
The book is called, "The Lobster Lady: Maine's 102-Year-Old Legend" and was written by, Author Barbara Walsh.
According to the WGME, Barbara shares that we can all learning a little something from this remarkable woman. I mean, the perseverance and strength it takes to do this tough work at the age of 103 is so admirable.
According to News Center Maine, Virgina has gained attention throughout the nation, side by side with her 79-year-old son Max. Together, they make it all happen and she now is the subject of a children's book!
They fish on a boat, fittingly named, "Virginia" in Rockland, Maine, as the article shows.
She is still going at 103 and has no plans to retire. Virgina's message is the following, "you grow old when you stop doing what you love," ain't that the truth.
The book highlights the story of the oldest lobster trapper in Maine.
You can get your copy sold on Amazon!
You can also check out: At 102-Years-Old, The Maine Lobster Lady Has Renewed Her License