Loving New Hampshire Dad Remembers Dressing Up as Chuck E. Cheese to Save Son’s Birthday
This story was posted recently on the U Local New Hampshire Facebook page.
Jim Anctil remembered the time when he took his three boys to Chuck E. Cheese. The place was packed and he knew the kids really wanted to see the Chuckster himself! When Jim didn't see the big mouse, he asked the waitress where he was. She, being busier than H E double hockey sticks, snapped back at him and said, "Chuck is out sick today!" Jim knew that his kids would have an absolute meltdown if they didn't see that humungous rodent, so... Jim, being an amazing father and a resourceful thinking guy took the waitress aside and said, "Where does Chuckie BECOME Chuckie?" The waitress took him to where they keep the magical outfit. Jim asked if she wouldn't mind if HE put on the costume. She said okay, which was probably against the rules, but she took a chance and gave this family a memory they will never forget. The picture is PRICELESS!
Jim says in his Facebook post that the look on his son's face is somewhere between "wonderment and 'I wonder where Dad went?'" LOL!
Jim was quite brave to put that thing on. First of all, GERMS and second, I always found the Chuckster to be a little.... intimidating. I mean, doesn't the costume look a little like the clown pix that we often see where the kids are crying in fear? I don't know... one of his sons doesn't look THAT happy about the sitch.
Anyway, as Jim says in his post: PARENTING = You do what you have to do. AMEN TO THAT!
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