Mike is one of those guys that has that intuition and he's using it for good.

You know people who are in tune with the world and more impressively, the energy of the world. Mike the Tarot Guy is one of those special people. We have invited Mike and his unique talent to be part of the Q Morning Show.

Mike Emery
Mike Emery

What is a Tarot card reading?

Tarot reading is a form of cartomancy (or fortune telling) where the reader uses tarot cards to 'purportedly' gain insight into the past, present, or future. Contrary to popular belief, the cards don't simply tell your fortune. The cards are meant to provide insight into the innermost truths of your higher self. In other words, the cards provide an evolved awareness of what you already know deep within.

Mike Emerty
Mike Emery

What can Mike the Tarot Guy offer?

His most popular readings are what he calls, Life Path Annual Readings. Mike can calculate a client's life path number for 2023 and that will determine what they can expect for the year and the cards fill in the rest in terms of what's helpful and what's not helpful.

How is Mike the Tarot Guy able to do readings?

As Mike will point out, using the word psychic doesn't really fit, but then again it kinda does. Mike considers himself an empath who can feel and sense things with his intuition. He can connect with people and 'the beyond' energetically. There is energy all around us. Energy cannot be destroyed and empaths can tap into the energies of the world and others to get an idea of what's going on.

Mike Emery
Mike Emery

Want Mike the Tarot Guy to read you?

He would love to help you. It's the only reason he does this. Mike is like someone in the radio business. You don't do it for the money - you do it because you love it and you hope it helps. Fill out the form and we will do our best to connect you with Mike and the Q Morning Show.

LOOK: The states with the most UFO sightings

For each state, we’ve also included details of famous UFO sightings in that state. Of note is that almost three-quarters of all UFO sighting reports in the United States occur between 4 p.m. and midnight, and tend to peak between 9 and 10 p.m. Food for thought next time you're out scoping for alien life. Keep reading to see which states have had the most UFO sightings.

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