L.L. Bean Chairman Addresses Boycott Movement Over Linda Bean Trump Support
Linda Bean, the granddaughter of L.L. Bean founder Leon Leonwood Bean, has gotten some heat since it was discovered that she contributed $60,000 in support of Donald Trump's presidential campaign when the limit for an individual is $5000.
Her actions have caused the #GrabYourWallet protest to call for a boycott of the Maine retailer because Linda Bean is one of the many family members with a stake in L.L. Bean.
The movement has a spreadsheet online with a long list of businesses to boycott that have any dealings with Donald Trump. Businesses that contributed to his campaign, sell Ivanka Trump's line of clothing or even advertise on Celebrity Apprentice are targeted.
L.L.Bean Executive Chairman Shawn Gorman posted a statement to the L.L. Bean Facebook page explaining his disappointment in being targeted solely because of one individual.
L.L.Bean does not endorse political candidates, take positions on political matters, or make political contributions. Simply put, we stay out of politics. To be included in this boycott campaign is simply misguided, and we respectfully request that Grab Your Wallet reverse its position. - Steve Gorman - L.L. Bean Executive Chairman
You can read the full statement below.
It's doubtful that any boycott movement against L.L. Bean will be successful in hurting the family owned Maine company. You really can't get a good alternative to the Bean Boot anywhere.
What do you think about L.L. Bean's response to the boycott and about the #GrabYourWallet movement? Let us know in the comments below or on our Facebook page.