Don't you just love a public library? I love them more than ever now that I'm a mother. Libraries play such an important role in our communities, especially for children. There are few FREE places where folks are encouraged to gather for one common goal: to learn! It's also and great place to meet new, like-minded people if you are trying to broaden your social circle. However, if you are there to socialize, make sure you do it quietly. It IS a library after all.

Something really precious and wholesome is happening at the public library in Rochester, New Hampshire. They have a house plant swap!

I discovered it in the "You KNOW you're from Rochester, NH if you..." Facebook group. The post is getting lots of attention, with over 300 likes and 28 shares. People are also tagging their green-thumbed friends in the comments.


It's such an awesome idea! Plants are just like clothes! Maybe you are tired of looking at that same old house plant you've had forever, but said plant would be exciting and new for someone else! And same thing vise versa. Someone's old plant might reinvigorate you and change a space in your home.

The post is also getting some hilarious commentary. Someone asked how long until someone brings in a pot plant, and then another woman asked if she could just drop off her plants and keep them there, because they would be safer there than at her house.

Are you interested in getting involved in the plant swap? Make sure to bring healthy, rooted clippings and a container to bring your new plant friend home!

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