If you know of any of the Guinness World Records in Maine, they are likely the ones for the longest line of whoopie pies and the tallest snowperson.

Those are pretty on brand for the Pine Tree State, but Mental Floss listed the "weirdest" one for Maine, and you likely had no clue about it.

Turns out there's a record for "most functional gadgets in a cosplay suit," and that award goes to one Maine man with a real passion for Batman.

Guinness World Record for Most Functional Gadgets in a Cosplay Suit

According to the Guinness World Record, Keith Dinsmore of Portland created a Batman costume so intricate that it has 30 working gadgets on it. That landed him the new record in 2020, and one he still holds.

IGN reported that Julian Checkley held the previous record with 23 gadgets for his cosplay costume, which was also a Batman suit. What are the odds?

You can check out that previous record costume on YouTube or below.

What Gadgets Are on the Maine Man's World Record Batman Suit?

Some of Dinsmore's batsuit gadgets listed by GWR include batarangs, mini grappling hook, binoculars, tracking device, laser pointer, flashbang, handcuffs, a pen cutting torch and an extendable baton.

The Maine Batman fan said he hopes his cosplay record inspires others to pursue their passions.

“I hope that people may use my example to encourage themselves to go for their dreams," Dinsmore told Guinness World Record. "There's a big wonderful world out there, and all you have to do is dive in and give it all you've got, and your dreams can come true.”

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You can check out that current record costume on YouTube or below.

Now, is "most functional gadgets in a cosplay suit" really the weirdest Maine Guinness World Record?

Seems like a stretch, but guess that's up to you if you agree with Mental Floss on that one.

Seems like a pretty cool record. After all, "it's what you do that defines you."

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Gallery Credit: Megan

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