It should really come as a shock to no one, since this has pretty much been the case for a while now -- before big holidays hit, we focus on the big(ger) holidays that follow.

For example, as early as July, stores were stocking shelves with candy to prepare for Halloween, even though it was still three months out. In fact, as of this writing, Halloween still hasn't hit yet.

But here we are, as usual, already looking ahead, as Christmas trees can now be found for sale in some stores, and eggnog has been available in some grocery stores around Maine since as early as Labor Day Weekend.

Townsquare Media
Townsquare Media

Maine's Christmas By the Sea

Even though we're still over two months away from Christmas, lawn signs are already starting to pop up in different Maine towns and cities about Christmas By the Sea 2023.

The interesting part, though, is that some websites offer some information while others offer nothing.

Ogunquit, Maine, Chamber of Commerce

The website you would expect to have the most information about Christmas By the Sea (which happens in Ogunquit), the Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce, says that more information is coming soon. But given that the lawn signs mention it's happening during a few separate dates in November, it's a bit of a close call to still have "coming soon" messaging.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Ogunquit River Inn

However, a popular spot for lodging in Ogunquit, the Ogunquit River Inn, has information about the Christmas By the Sea celebration, but no exact dates yet.

According to the Ogunquit River Inn, the entire celebration kicks off on Friday night with a tree lighting ceremony, followed by unique products on sale by local businesses for customers and residents to start their holiday shopping.

The celebration continues on Saturday morning with the Southern Maine Christmas Parade taking place throughout the town of Ogunquit, but again, no exact date is provided (and when you Google "Southern Maine Christmas Parade," information about surrounding towns like Wells and Kennebunkport pops up.)

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

It's safe to say that, as the Ogunquit Chamber of Commerce website states, more information will be coming soon. And as soon as we know more, so will you.

Maine, New Hampshire Salvation Army Stores Will Not Accept These 22 Items

These 22 items are not accepted at Salvation Army stores in Maine and New Hampshire.

Gallery Credit: Jeff Parsons

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